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All Units>Unit 6 - Water and air temperature>Investigation 2 - Temperature of mixing air>Thinking About the Question

Thinking About The Question

What happens to the temperature in the room when you open the window?

Think back to the small, cold mountain stream that flows into a large, warm lake. Put a check next to the picture that best describes the temperature in the lake.

Explain why you chose the picture.

As we discussed earlier in Investigation I, changes in water temperature affect fish. Like water, air is a fluid, and changes in air temperature affect you! Most likely you have felt a room or a car warm up from warm air coming out of a heating vent or you have felt the temperature change from opening a window. You will investigate what happens to temperature when you open a window.

Using the drawing tool, make a sketch of what you think will happen to the temperature in the room when you open the window. Refer to Technical Hints to use the drawing tool.

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